It is unfortunate that Caucasian Males are too often excluded from any type of Diversity/Inclusion (D/I) strategy. I’ve identified at least three reasons why that might be and will provide through my blog over the next three days. It will be worth the wait….trust me! Let this first one soak in and think about the concepts I bring up. Catch ya tomorrow!!

Diversity and Inclusion (D/I) are game creators not merely game changers. A (D/I) strategy ensures everyone is part of the organization and are respected regardless of their demographics. However, even in the 21st century most Diversity and Inclusion strategies still exclude one important group of people.

Caucasian males are rarely included in the organization’s Diversity/Inclusion strategy leading to divisiveness. This divisiveness creates a communication block keeping them on the outside looking in, shunned because of their race/ethnicity.

There are at least three reasons Caucasian males are not usually part of the organization’s (D/I) strategy. The first reason is ignorance of diversity mapping. Diversity mapping is based on each employee’s skills, talents, abilities, knowledge and unique perspectives (STAKUP) and how all those are used to place the right employees in the right jobs. Diversity mapping is critical to a successful Diversity/Inclusion strategy. Diversity mapping is based on objective data making it easy to justify all positions and the employees chosen for them. Additionally, diversity mapping helps supervisors make sound transparent decisions. Supervisors can use diversity mapping to ensure their work assignments, particularly promotions and high profile assignments, are made by merit not familiarity. This familiarity principle is when people subconsciously gravitate toward others who look like them creating comfort. The familiarity principle is not wrong unless it becomes a pattern. Here is a good example of the familiarity principle. When people travel alone and are in the airport they have seat choices while waiting to board their flight. 98 times out of a 100 travelers will sit close to those who look like them.

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Posted in Articles by developer January 31, 2014

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